Thursday, April 30, 2009

New Favorite Hobby

I find that the majority of college students are very amusing. I've taken to putting in my iPod ear buds and sitting outside major buildings on campus (like Todd Hall, the CUE, the CUB, or any of the main libraries) and pretending to read or study while listening to the ridiculous conversations people have.

One thing that irritates me is how much the word "like" is used today. I know I say it from time to time too, so I can't gripe too much, but seriously? Multiple times a sentence? [sigh]

I'm just taking a break from studying CVA to write this and let my brain absorb information.

I'm also picking up my keys to my new apartment tonight and am moving in this weekend! I'm excited and will post pictures once I'm all unpacked AKA sometime next week.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


HaHA! Just finished and sent off my last lab write-up! I am so done with 2/3 of my labs! Now I get to focus all my energies on my Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy practical exam tomorrow night.

Sadly, my brain has kinda shorted out and I'm taking a break to check my e-mail and let everything sink in. I was in my anatomy lab until 10PM last night studying, and will probably have a late night tonight too, since they close the lab tomorrow morning to set up for the exam. 

Just to prove how much I've been studying CVA, I've been doodling the cat cardiovascular system in the margins of my notes and writing down the 12 cranial nerves in their order (olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abducens, facial, auditory, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal). Blarg. On the upside, my TA taught us an easy way to remember the order: "On old Olympus' towering tops, a Frenchman and German viewed some hops." I realize it doens't make much sense gramatically etc, but it stuck.

Now, to distract my mind from sheep brains and shark guts, time to people watch in the B&N cafe in the Bookie. :) 

Monday, April 27, 2009

and Dead Week begins...

Yup, that's right. It's Dead Week already. I'm ready to curl up and die already. I've got an exam on most frightening one... my practical for Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy... Please cue the dramatic music.

But, since I've been lazy, here's a quick review of things I've done and stuff that's been happening:

1) I've fed a Lion at Cat Tales in Spokane
2) I've walked in the Pullman Relay For Life (1-3AM and then caught a ride home to warm up),
3) I've helped set up and work at Springfest
4) Spring has appeared and Mother Nature has decided to remind me that pollen can be used as a weapon
5) SWINE FLU! (zomg...40 cases in...all of America...I'm shocked) Yeah, my anatomy lab was laughing over the people freaking out, because we're bio-geeks and all already wash our hands enough and have minimal concerns over diseases that don't, say...make you bleed out your eyes or cause horribly painful deaths.

Pictures will come soon.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

And Spring appears!

The sun is out and its a bit warmer than normal! Yay! And its the weekend! Lots of chillaxing to be done and I am starting right now with awesome Paranormal show marathon and some good food. Its time to cook up some angel food and have a good dessert!

A quick review of the week before I get to work baking: I was surgeon for my Bunny Surgery for lab this week and did AWESOME! I was even complemented by the people from the Office of the Campus Vet which was very nice and a bit of an ego boost. I did accidentially knick the right cephalic jugular branch but clamped it and tied it off quick. I had to invert the bladder out of the body and it popped out and was AWESOME! Our urine samples were the only one in our section that was pure urine with no blood!

Ok bio nerding over! 

I've got all my advising done but was told by the Honors college to submit my thesis proposal by this coming Friday. I really must thank them for giving me a week to get it done... blargh.

Ok off to bake!