Friday, September 25, 2009

Bus Conversations: Cougar Gladiators

I've come to the conclusion that buses are the best places to overhear amusing conversations. Today one such conversation happened as we passed Beasley Coliseum and the rather exhuberant driver announced it two boys (despite the fact that they could have only been 2 years younger than me at most) had a very, very entertaining idea:

"We should use the coliseum as a coleseum and have gladiator battles."

"Not like American Gladiator battles either. We'll use swords and lions and shit."

"Split classes into two teams and have them fight for their grades."

"Only the survivors pass the class."

"You'd battle your TA's and shit."

"Haha! [mimics sword in stomach] 'Noooo! I was a graduate student!"

Oh, college. Only here can your prove without a doubt that boys will remain boys until they're at least 25...

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