Thursday, April 24, 2008

"Overheard in Pullman" April 24, 2008

"Just say it. If she wasn't your sister you'd do her." - Ah, the hot sister problem

"No, I don't think you're a virgin." - I don't think you're a good liar

"He gets drunk and spills his emotions." - After he does so with his drinks

"He is not a good kisser, but he's a good cuddler." - Don't ask the virgin guy from earlier for advice

"When I get my dog and you get your dog they can mate because we can't." - Double "Creepy Sex Talk" bonus

"I'm always cold. Even with three blankets and person on top of me." - You'd be surprised how quickly a corpse loses its heat

"I'll take you anywhere you want."
"Just take me back to my beer." - Montego, Key Largo, come on why don't we go...back to the beer. Where we'll drink it fast and then have to go.

"You should pop his collar so you can see what he'd look like as a douchebag." - Rene Lacoste is spinning in his grave.

"Chairs were totally a great invention." - Nothing compaired to the quesadilla maker

"I thought trig was, like a pre-funk." - Then differential calculus is a kegstand or something?

"If I wasn't such a weak-ass bitch, I would totally quit college and go catch crabs." - We know this is about someone watching Deadliest Catch, but we can't help but let our minds wander towards the dirty.

"Oh brah. We're like, gonna live here next year."
"Yeah, it's like we're brothers." -Get off my porch. I'm calling the police.

1 comment:

Selena said...

Out of context is always more fun!