Monday, June 30, 2008

Does any car I drive have a neon target on it?

Seriously! Not two years ago I'm in a hit-and-run, which leaves my car disabled in the middle of the road. No injuries or anything, just my car battery jumping out of its spot. And just today a freekin' Semi truck backs into me and pushes me into another car, which is then pushed into one more car.

Its not like I wasn't initially a good distance back from the car at the stop sign, I was a full car length back. I don't like semis.

Its not like I, and the other cars behind me, and the pedestrians on the sidewalk weren't yelling and blaring our horns. Oh, believe me, we were.

Luckily the only damage done to Edna are some paint scratches and a busted headlight wiper (which i don't know if it worked anyways).

It did however leave me in a bad mood.

Police report is being filed, insurance was exchanged, and I seriously just want my bad day to end.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Parting Gifts

We extracted our DNA today in lab. It was really easy. We also got to take our DNA with us, in little plastic necklaces. We also got little temporary tattoos that say: "I love your DNA" I haven't used mine yet.

In other news, I finished my lab report. Its just barely under the 15 page limit (by 3 lines). Spell-check is the tool of the devil when you need to write a biology paper though. For example, my two unknown organisms were Enterococcus faecalis and Enterobacter aerogenes. Those are spelled right, despite what my computer says.

I'm off to watch TV and relax now (Finally!).

Two days left.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Procrastinator's Rant on the Mechanisms Behind Population Blood Type Distribution

Trying to avoid working on my 'Unknown Report' for Micro. I've got my flow chart done. It took me 3 hours and is crazy. This is one of my many things to do when avoiding writing a 10-15 page paper on lab procedures that's not due till Thursday... On with procrastination!

Classes are almost done. I just need to get through fridays' finals and I'm in the clear. YES! ONE MORE LECTURE, ONE DAY OFF, AND....damnit...2 finals...and the damn paper. I've sworn to myself I won't play the Sims2 tonight because I'll get sucked into it so easily, especially with the new skins I found that prove I am the biggest nerd ever...

Did you know that the best way to get through a day at your monotonous work is to put audiobooks on your iPod? It's working great for me, especially because my normally very pissy iPod is cooperating. I've got Michael Crichton, JRR Tolkien, and CS Lewis keeping me entertained while I find more books to distract myself with. :D

Nori, my TA confused me in class today. We're talking about blood typing and will get to type ourselves on Thursday (even though I already know mine). She was talking about population distributions of blood types and said O type was the most common. What she forgot to say was that O+ is the most common, then A+, then...I'm not sure...but I do know that what I was thinking about, my blood type O-, is pretty rare. The whole Rh + or - thing kinda makes a big difference... 38% of the population...versus 7%...hmmmm.... that's, what, almost 1/3 of the national population?

Do you know why O+ blood types are so common and AB- is the least common? Its because, O+ blood types have the most circulating antibodies in their blood. They have antibodies against A and B type blood cells (or more specifically the markers on it) and have circulating Rh antibodies. All three of these will not only kill any A, B, or AB marked cells, but any antigens that resemble A, B, or AB marked cells. The same is true in reverse for AB-. They have the least circulating antibodies in their blood and are more at risk of getting an antigen infection. The reason O+ blood types aren't even more numerous is that O blood type is a recessive trait, while A and B types are both dominant.

Another fun thing is that Plasma donor-recipient patterns are reversed from blood donor-recipient patterns. AB type is the universal plasma donor and O is the universal plasma recipient. Probably because of circulating antibodies in plasma (which isn't a big deal in blood transfusions because the concentration of antibodies from the donor to recipient blood type is so low). This still doesn't give me enough reason to not get some extra cash by donating plasma instead of blood. I'm a college student. I don't even own a car. I need money.

Yes, I do realize that was a total nerd rant right there...I'm sorry. I'm a science geek... [sigh]. Maybe I'll go write the introduction to my paper...

Friday, June 20, 2008

It is a good day...

Its a friday. It was sunny. I finished lab early. I finished work early. I went to Old Navy. I got an iced chai. Otter pops and lemonade when I got home and an awesome dinner of steak. :D Am now enjoying fresh cantaloupe and watching the Labyrinth. Sara's a whiny bitch and the goblins are awesome and cute.

Monday, June 16, 2008

One of us...


I need to go watch Labyrinth now, seriously...

Curse you guilt tripping e-mails! CURSE YOU!

I just got back from donating plasma, which has become a 3rd source of income for me, and there in my inbox is an e-mail from the Inland Northwest Blood Center, where I donated blood during the school year, asking specifically for O negative donors to come in ASAP because blood banks are low O negative blood.

I feel horrible, because I kinda need the extra cash I get for donating plasma, but I feel so much better giving whole blood. If i do go donate blood, i'll have to drive to Moscow and then not donate plasma for 8 weeks, which would cost me over $400.

Curse my recessive blood type... and curse my stupid conscience which just reared its head. Why can't more than 7% of the human population be O- ? Seriously...

Sorry INBC, but I need money, and I don't have a car. If you had a center in Pullman, maybe I'd help you out.

Now I feel like a horrible human being...


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Not Amused

This is me:

I am not amused.

'Why is that?' you ask.

This was yesterday's weather.
60 and alternating between rain and sun.

I can live with that, I'm from Seattle.

this was the weather today from 5 something in the morning 'til noon:

Yes, that is indeed snow. Somewhere between 1 and 2 inches fell today.

This is what it did to our tomatoes:

It killed them... or at the very least wounded them. :(

This is what happened to some of the other plants in Pullman:

And the next person to ask "Where's that Global Warming?" is going to get mauled. Please, for the love of whatever deity you prefer, think before you ask that question to a science major. They'll just tell you that Global Warming is a part of a massive world-wide climate change, and Pullman's horrible weather is just a small piece of that. Only, other science majors may give you the long-winded version that'll make you want to shove a pencil in your ear, but still.

Oh, and if anyone even DARES whining about the rainy weather in Seattle to me, I will kill them. It didn't snow there, you've no right to bitch.

Pictorial Rant: Done

Gooood Morning Pullman! And now for your weather....

If you want to prove that the weather of the world is f-ed up, look to Pullman this morning where it is currently SNOWING. Need I remind you that it is June 10th? At the very least, said snow isn't sticking [knocks on wood].

Now, I get to walk to work this morning so I need to pull out warm clothing, and damn it all! What are all the sirens about?!


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Thank you Nori, for awsome Micro quotes...

"E. coli is kind of a beast."

Which it is. I honestly think its the hardiest bacteria we've used. It grows in almost ANY condition.

"Shigella flexneri causes Montezuma's Revenge type dysentery. If you're playing Oregon Trail and someone dies of dysentary... its probably Shigella! So, lets not splatter it around people."

Hearing a TA reference Oregon Trail in a 300 level science class made my day. Thank you so much Nori, you are the most kick ass TA ever.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Sun Has Retreated!

It was summer...what happened?

To quote my roommate: "while it is going to be rainy and cold for the foreseeable future, at least it is neither a) snowing, or, b)incinerating us."

She has a very good point...but being stuck in limbo sucks, especially when the weather is determined by Murphy's Law: the one day you decide not to wear your raincoat, it pours.

Oh, and we can probably count on lots of wheat crop death over here in the Palouse thanks to fungi getting an opportunity to grow in the cold and damp, which won't help our economic dilemma one bit.

Thank you Pullman. And thank you human race for screwing up the planet.

Houston, I think we have a problem.