This is me:
I can live with that, I'm from Seattle.
this was the weather today from 5 something in the morning 'til noon:
Yes, that is indeed snow. Somewhere between 1 and 2 inches fell today.
This is what it did to our tomatoes:
It killed them... or at the very least wounded them. :(
This is what happened to some of the other plants in Pullman:
And the next person to ask "Where's that Global Warming?" is going to get mauled. Please, for the love of whatever deity you prefer, think before you ask that question to a science major. They'll just tell you that Global Warming is a part of a massive world-wide climate change, and Pullman's horrible weather is just a small piece of that. Only, other science majors may give you the long-winded version that'll make you want to shove a pencil in your ear, but still.
Oh, and if anyone even DARES whining about the rainy weather in Seattle to me, I will kill them. It didn't snow there, you've no right to bitch.
Pictorial Rant: Done
1 comment:
I love your "I am not amused" face.
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