I love going to concerts, but when the people around you are being completely disrespectful of me and the other people around them, it makes me want to kill them and dump them in a wheat field.
For example, I went to the SickPuppies, Hinder, Staind, and 3 Doors Down concert last night in Seattle. Yes, you heard right. I got in the car with friends, drove five hours to Seattle, attended a concert, and drove straight back. I may have only gotten 3 hours of sleep and had to go to class at 9 and work today, but it was worth it.
There was, however, a small bit of my concert expereince I would like to address in the form of a few simple guidelines that would make me, and many other concert goers very happy.
1. Please don't get completely drunk in attendance. If you want to have a beer or two, whatever, fine. Getting completely and totally hammered, however, leads to some very irritating moments. Last night at the concert there was a woman behind me who was completely drunk and was still drinking as the concert was going on. She was a very loud drunk and also seemed to lack the ability to not hit people in the head with elbows when scampering off to get more booze.
2. Please keep PDA's to a PG rating, seriously. Snogging eachother in the middle of the crowd on the floor at a concert is really awkward.
3. SHUT THE HELL UP! I came to the concert to hear the band sing, not you screaming your drunk ass off, lady! You do not need to profess your love to every musician on stage in front of your husband and a thousand of other strangers. I'm a patient person, but having you scream in my ear, hit me in the head with elbows and constantly yammering makes me want to turn around and ask why a 50+ year old woman is at a SickPuppies/Hinder/Staind/3 Doors Down concert and than either slit your throat with my new CD or find a pencil and offer to show you a magic trick.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Shining Example For Tomorrow's Writers... May All Gods Have Pity On Them
Are you in a bad mood? Could you use some sarcasm? Are you amazed at the atrocities that are becoming the examples for future writers? Do you think the Twilight series took a tail-dive, burst through hell, located a worm-hole, and did the whole thing over again for the next three books? Are you disgusted with Mary-Sue protagonists? Do you wish to see the mocking of Mary-Sue protagonists? Do you want to see what just made my day?
Then go forth and read. Read and laugh and pray the quality of literature improves before we loose an entire generation of potential writers to anti-plots, unbelievable protagonists, helpless female leads, uber-heroes, thesaurus abuse, and more cliches than you can shake a stick at.
"'Twilight' Sucks... And Not in a Good Way" by Kellen Rice
"Twilight: A Follow-up, and a Promise" by Kellen Rice
Then go forth and read. Read and laugh and pray the quality of literature improves before we loose an entire generation of potential writers to anti-plots, unbelievable protagonists, helpless female leads, uber-heroes, thesaurus abuse, and more cliches than you can shake a stick at.
"'Twilight' Sucks... And Not in a Good Way" by Kellen Rice
"Twilight: A Follow-up, and a Promise" by Kellen Rice
Back to School: A Quick Rant On Classes And Proffs
Washington State University is officially two days into its Fall 2008 semester and even after the standard first class syllabus/class intro I've already formed some strong opinions on each of them.
Bio 352- Cell Physiology: Class content is about what I expected, as I've taken...I dunno how many classes that cover the basics of this. Now I'll get to go into the super fine details of all of this! The biggest up point is that the Proff has been teaching it for years and I've heard nothing but good things about his classes.
AS 285- Rights and Welfare of Animals: This'll count towards nothing in either my major or minor but I decided to take it anyways because it sounded interesting. I forgot that I'm a ZOOLOGY major in my junior year. No offence to Animal Science majors, I love you all, but I'm used to the hard science aspects of biology. Plus this is being "taught like a 200 level class" which means I end up craving deep/difficult discussions by the end of it. Its an ethics class as well, so there is no right or wrong so long as you can give accurate, well worded justification. This is my "To drop if I get overwhelmed" class.
Bio 321- Animal Development: the lecture left me a bit apprehensive because the instructor seemed a bit too nervous and unorganized to have taught the course before. The TA, whom I met today, however makes up for that in spades. She's experiences, knowledgeable, and very interested in talking with us and making sure we understand everything. However, with class and lab combined I have 6 exams for that class alone to worry about. X_x
UH 330- Intro to Ancient Greek Literature and Culture: Very interesting topic and a very experienced teacher. I'm REALLY looking forward to this class despite the massive amounts of reading required. The one drawback is the presence of one of "Those People" in the class. By "Those People" I mean the ones who feel the need to argue with the professor about everything and think that they're more knowledgeable/smarter etc. All I have to say to him is this: If you already know so much about Greek Literature and Culture, why are you taking a class on it? Go expand your knowledge banks and leave my class to learn in peace.
Poli S 198- Intro Poli Sci Honors: I instantly fell in love. The instructor is very relaxed with us and keeps us interested. He knows his stuff and has changed the purpose of the class from "Intro to American Govt." to "Intro to Democracy" and is allowing us to create our own opinions. VERY excited about this class.
UH 398-Thesis Proposal: What have I signed myself up for? The instructor reminds me of a crazy creative writing teacher I had. This frightens me. We has someone from the Libraries come to show us how to search on the library system. He couldn't type without looking at his fingers for the letters and I had to suggest using the "back" button to get back to the library front page. Seriously. What have I signed up for? But I need to pressure to get working on my thesis. Not that this really counts as pressure. I'm thinking of it as incentive to get my adviser ASAP to get out of the class before the semester ends.
All in all, I'm in for an interesting semester...gods all help me.
Bio 352- Cell Physiology: Class content is about what I expected, as I've taken...I dunno how many classes that cover the basics of this. Now I'll get to go into the super fine details of all of this! The biggest up point is that the Proff has been teaching it for years and I've heard nothing but good things about his classes.
AS 285- Rights and Welfare of Animals: This'll count towards nothing in either my major or minor but I decided to take it anyways because it sounded interesting. I forgot that I'm a ZOOLOGY major in my junior year. No offence to Animal Science majors, I love you all, but I'm used to the hard science aspects of biology. Plus this is being "taught like a 200 level class" which means I end up craving deep/difficult discussions by the end of it. Its an ethics class as well, so there is no right or wrong so long as you can give accurate, well worded justification. This is my "To drop if I get overwhelmed" class.
Bio 321- Animal Development: the lecture left me a bit apprehensive because the instructor seemed a bit too nervous and unorganized to have taught the course before. The TA, whom I met today, however makes up for that in spades. She's experiences, knowledgeable, and very interested in talking with us and making sure we understand everything. However, with class and lab combined I have 6 exams for that class alone to worry about. X_x
UH 330- Intro to Ancient Greek Literature and Culture: Very interesting topic and a very experienced teacher. I'm REALLY looking forward to this class despite the massive amounts of reading required. The one drawback is the presence of one of "Those People" in the class. By "Those People" I mean the ones who feel the need to argue with the professor about everything and think that they're more knowledgeable/smarter etc. All I have to say to him is this: If you already know so much about Greek Literature and Culture, why are you taking a class on it? Go expand your knowledge banks and leave my class to learn in peace.
Poli S 198- Intro Poli Sci Honors: I instantly fell in love. The instructor is very relaxed with us and keeps us interested. He knows his stuff and has changed the purpose of the class from "Intro to American Govt." to "Intro to Democracy" and is allowing us to create our own opinions. VERY excited about this class.
UH 398-Thesis Proposal: What have I signed myself up for? The instructor reminds me of a crazy creative writing teacher I had. This frightens me. We has someone from the Libraries come to show us how to search on the library system. He couldn't type without looking at his fingers for the letters and I had to suggest using the "back" button to get back to the library front page. Seriously. What have I signed up for? But I need to pressure to get working on my thesis. Not that this really counts as pressure. I'm thinking of it as incentive to get my adviser ASAP to get out of the class before the semester ends.
All in all, I'm in for an interesting semester...gods all help me.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
And the day is good...
Yes, the day is officially good. The Old Navy Denim sale was today, three pairs of jeans for $36--only 6 more than one pair at normal price. I enjoyed some Starbucks chai afterwards and talked plots and characters and weapons (and weirded out anybody who was eavesdropping in the middle of the mall) with Leah. I donated Plasma which is somehow helping me not get headaches as often. I got an Iced Starbucks drink for $2.16 (Praise be for treat receipts) on my way home and deposited a check. I just heard someone from my apartments yell out "Why am I on fire?!" And I finished another photoshop project, at bottom of post: a character profile for one of my new characters in the new RPG I just started with my friends (TECHNICALLY happened yesterday). On top of this, payday and the first day of classes is monday.
All of this puts me in a very good mood. :D
And now for my art critique: I honestly had very little idea what I was doing here. I don't draw people very much. I know his eyes are a bit...off and his ear is fugly, and the shadows are off too, but this is more for my amusement than anything else. Yes, I do realize Isamu here looks a bit like a lion. I realized that when I started coloring, but I'd already designed him and didn't want to change it. Please excuse his ugly excuse for clothes. It made more sense and looked better in my head. I don't draw clothes on people very well...
All of this puts me in a very good mood. :D

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Welcome to Pullman, Be Prepaired to Evacuate
So Pullman was hit with a HUGE storm last night. With thunder that made my apartment vibrate like a tuning fork. That was very cool, not to meantion it got rid of all the nasty heat and pressure and whatnot that had been building. Lights were flickering, cell phone reception was going crazy, and the people in the apartment across the way from us were out on their balcony cheering and rating the blasts of lightning. The whole time this is happening I'm catching up on In Plain Sight and Paranormal State like the nerd I am.
What I didn't know was that apparently Pullman was on a tornado watch.
We're also expected to have more storms moving through tonight and tomorrow.
I seem to recall this happening last year around now too. August must be "Crazy-ass weather" month this side of the mountains.
What I didn't know was that apparently Pullman was on a tornado watch.
We're also expected to have more storms moving through tonight and tomorrow.
I seem to recall this happening last year around now too. August must be "Crazy-ass weather" month this side of the mountains.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Trailer
Well, Its official. Young Tom Riddle=Damien from the Omen. Voldemort is officially the son of the devil and scares the CRAP out of me. Its little kids like this who make me HATE all children.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Vacation corodes brain-mouth filter
Seriously, just a few new quotes from me, my sisters, Chelsea and Hannah, Selena, and her sister, Madelyn, in the past few days include:
Dad: "Here are some chips to snack on!"
Me: (harshly) "We're not hungry!"
Me: (to Chelsea) "Are you communing with the fire?"
Me:"I don't really like marshmallows."
Selena: "Me neither."
Madelyn: "You two are sinful."
Hannah: "I think my feet are turning purple, should I get out of the water?"
Selena: "You're a big girl, you can keep track of your own hypothermia."
Me: (to waves while body surfing) "Your Kung-fu is weak!"
There are more but I'm rather distracted by my sunburns and can't think of them now.
Dad: "Here are some chips to snack on!"
Me: (harshly) "We're not hungry!"
Me: (to Chelsea) "Are you communing with the fire?"
Me:"I don't really like marshmallows."
Selena: "Me neither."
Madelyn: "You two are sinful."
Hannah: "I think my feet are turning purple, should I get out of the water?"
Selena: "You're a big girl, you can keep track of your own hypothermia."
Me: (to waves while body surfing) "Your Kung-fu is weak!"
There are more but I'm rather distracted by my sunburns and can't think of them now.
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