Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Welcome to Pullman, Be Prepaired to Evacuate

So Pullman was hit with a HUGE storm last night. With thunder that made my apartment vibrate like a tuning fork. That was very cool, not to meantion it got rid of all the nasty heat and pressure and whatnot that had been building. Lights were flickering, cell phone reception was going crazy, and the people in the apartment across the way from us were out on their balcony cheering and rating the blasts of lightning. The whole time this is happening I'm catching up on In Plain Sight and Paranormal State like the nerd I am.

What I didn't know was that apparently Pullman was on a tornado watch.


We're also expected to have more storms moving through tonight and tomorrow.

I seem to recall this happening last year around now too. August must be "Crazy-ass weather" month this side of the mountains.

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