Well, here are a bunch of things I collected and was too distracted/exhausted to post at the time they happened.
1. The Snuggie Quote
I was listening to a radio station Thursday morning and got one of the most hilarious quotes ever!
In refference to the Suggie: "In the comfort of my
home, where no one can see me, who cares if I look like the Lord Voldemort from Bed, Bath and Beyond."
Its so True too! Who the hell buys a blanket with sleeves?! Its called a sweatshirt! Please, put one on and stop making my eyes burn.
Speaking of burning--if you've seen the commercial, when the "family" is sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows and looking oh-so-irritating, all I can think is "Why are you wearing a blanket on the side of you facing the nice warm fire?" quickly followed by "Please let one of them catch on fire. Please!"
2. Pet Peeve of the Week: People taking their shoes off in the class.
Seriously, why? Do your feet hurt? Probably not because those are some pretty comfy looking shoes, buster. The only time I can understand this is if someone wears ultra-feminine shoes (i.e. 4" stilletto heels) and then we know their feet don't smell bad because they're barely wearing shoes anyways. If you're wearing slip on loafers, you have no excuse. Keep them on. Especaially when you sit next to people and make it very obvious what you're doing.
3. Ecologogical Concept of the Week:
Did you know that there is an Ecological Dark Side? It's called the International Lumbar Industry. And, yes, they do have cookies. Made out of the spleens of boy-and-girl scouts and unfortunate forest critters that fell under the blades of their chainsaws. (I honestly just wanted to say spleen here. I'm pretty sure they used the heart. Possibly brain and liver as well. Yummy.)
4. High Tech in the Lab!
Yup, my Mammalian Physiology had the most high tech equiptment on the campus! I mean, we have our state-of-the-art DOS computers which like to crash if you breathe on them wrong. This week we whipped out some spiffy EKG equiptment and found that it had been asembled by the Hess family from "Signs."
How, you ask? Well, since electrical signal insulation isn't really that important --CoughCough--, the manufacturers decided to wrab the wires in the poorest excuse for wire insulation me--electrician's daughter--has ever seen. How does the Biology department decide to deal with this? Perhaps purchase working equiptment? Working equiptment that requires an operating system above DOS so that new computers are needed as well? Of course not! Instead its "Here's a few rolls of tin foil! Go forth TAs and Biology students and use it for White-Trash Insulation!"
Cheap bastarts.

5. Bone Crossed
Awesomely glorious new book out by Patricia Briggs called Bone Crossed, 4th in the series of Mercedes Thompson books -- possibly my new favorite series. Any author who can use the line "And much awkwardness ensued" in a book to actually further plot is my hero. Not to meantion the fact that Ben rocks. And Mercy. And Adam. And Zee. And Stephan. Warren. Kyle. Sam. Jesse. Darryl. Ok, they all rock and the fact that its set in Washington state (in the Tri-cities, only ~2 hours from my present location). I love my urban fantasy novels.
Go forth and read it! Start with Moon Called! I demand it!
Now I'm off to wallow in misery and study for my four exams next week (Mon-Thurs). [sobs quietly in corner]
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