Saturday, April 4, 2009

And Spring appears!

The sun is out and its a bit warmer than normal! Yay! And its the weekend! Lots of chillaxing to be done and I am starting right now with awesome Paranormal show marathon and some good food. Its time to cook up some angel food and have a good dessert!

A quick review of the week before I get to work baking: I was surgeon for my Bunny Surgery for lab this week and did AWESOME! I was even complemented by the people from the Office of the Campus Vet which was very nice and a bit of an ego boost. I did accidentially knick the right cephalic jugular branch but clamped it and tied it off quick. I had to invert the bladder out of the body and it popped out and was AWESOME! Our urine samples were the only one in our section that was pure urine with no blood!

Ok bio nerding over! 

I've got all my advising done but was told by the Honors college to submit my thesis proposal by this coming Friday. I really must thank them for giving me a week to get it done... blargh.

Ok off to bake!

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