Wednesday, September 24, 2008

...You're Officially Ignorant...

So I'm currently stalling and wasting time until class starts at 11:10 and went to one of the side "sun rooms" that have couches, tables, and most importantly outlets (my laptop battery is finally dying). Now, most people follow standard "I have no clue who you are so I will be quiet and not snoop" rules. There are, however, 3 freshmen sitting in here talking rediculously loudly and informing everyone here and in the nearby classrooms of just how ignorant they are.

"What's a mortgage?"
"Its got something to do with real estate."

Wow. That's all you got?

Was I ever this ignorant? I hope not. Its especially irritating because I can't turn up my headphones and computer volume any higher without blowing out my eardrums. I CAN STILL HEAR THEM.

The other girl in here on her computer keeps swapping irritated looks with me. I think her volume's as maxed as can be too.

I'm very tempted to tell them to shut up because I'm trying to study/write a paper (total BS).

1 comment:

Selena said...

The freshmen at the book store ask the dumbest questions as well...I feel your pain.