Sunday, January 11, 2009

Aaand back to school I go

Well, technically, I start class tomorrow. 

Minor detail, I know, but I just got all unpacked and everything and am battling a headache and decided "I haven't updated my blog in a while."

So, yeah. I'm back in Pullman. After a no-delay bus ride across state, where I read the entire time (Huzzah Pride and Prejudice) and noticed that the stick figures that adorned the ceiling escape hatch look like ninjas. 

Of couse as soon as I'm back in the apartment, I discover that the toilet is clogged and it took us --I kid you not-- an hour to fix it. (best part: Leah exclaiming "Its making favorable noises!" followed by a flush and a "WOO! VICTORY!") 

My bookcase is VERY full, thanks to x-mas gifts.

[sigh] its good to be back, but I'll miss everyone in Seattle. Expect a rant on my class tomorrow. I already know the teacher is an idiot, but we'll see about the class.

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