I love going to concerts, but when the people around you are being completely disrespectful of me and the other people around them, it makes me want to kill them and dump them in a wheat field.
For example, I went to the SickPuppies, Hinder, Staind, and 3 Doors Down concert last night in Seattle. Yes, you heard right. I got in the car with friends, drove five hours to Seattle, attended a concert, and drove straight back. I may have only gotten 3 hours of sleep and had to go to class at 9 and work today, but it was worth it.
There was, however, a small bit of my concert expereince I would like to address in the form of a few simple guidelines that would make me, and many other concert goers very happy.
1. Please don't get completely drunk in attendance. If you want to have a beer or two, whatever, fine. Getting completely and totally hammered, however, leads to some very irritating moments. Last night at the concert there was a woman behind me who was completely drunk and was still drinking as the concert was going on. She was a very loud drunk and also seemed to lack the ability to not hit people in the head with elbows when scampering off to get more booze.
2. Please keep PDA's to a PG rating, seriously. Snogging eachother in the middle of the crowd on the floor at a concert is really awkward.
3. SHUT THE HELL UP! I came to the concert to hear the band sing, not you screaming your drunk ass off, lady! You do not need to profess your love to every musician on stage in front of your husband and a thousand of other strangers. I'm a patient person, but having you scream in my ear, hit me in the head with elbows and constantly yammering makes me want to turn around and ask why a 50+ year old woman is at a SickPuppies/Hinder/Staind/3 Doors Down concert and than either slit your throat with my new CD or find a pencil and offer to show you a magic trick.